
Nancy Nesvet

A day after poring over the archive of Art Lanterns from October 1973, a half century ago, until currently, the Art Lantern’s esteemed founder and Publisher Emeritus, Derek Guthrie passed away. This issue is a tribute to him, keeping his wise words and counsel alive. All who knew him observed the courage with which he wrote and spoke, and his often scathing but always truthful observations of the art world and his love and admiration of Jane Addams Allen, his wife and writer at this magazine and art critic at DC newspapers. His legacy passes on to us at Art Lantern, the US publication that he encouraged us to begin to produce this year alongside the Art Lantern in the UK. It’s a large mission to follow, but Derek taught us well. In this issue, we carry on the NAE’s fifty-year tenure producing analysis and reviews as the newest journal of the arts. Celebrating its first year, Art Lantern joins NAE’s mission, as stated by Derek Guthrie, ‘Without Fear or Favor’.

The changing art world, as it grew up, documented by the NAE, included reviews of shows by women, indigenous artists, and artists of color. This issue begins with a montage of photographs of NAE writers of past years. Then, a history of the magazine follows the reproduced first page of the first, October 1973 issue, Derek’s words. Articles following analyze and comment on Frieze Art Fair, in London, Judy Chicago, trailblazer, everchanging her subject matter, but always about community and women, the plethora of NY Art Fairs last month, new technology including AI, for good or bad, the widening and increasing inclusiveness of the art world, for good, The use of art for moral correction for bad, a book about environmental challenge, and more. The work featured in this anniversary issue documents the positive changes in the arts community from NAE’s inception in 1973 until this year. Most importantly, we show the inclusivity that the NAE fostered resulting from intentional representation of women, artists of color, of multiple ethnicities, and nationalities by arts institutions. Acknowledging new technology available to make Art Lantern’s and Art Lantern’s message heard, and wanting to involve everyone, everywhere, the journal is now open-access, available free to the worldwide arts community, which I hope all of you will join. We have an active Facebook page and Instagram account and would love to hear your comments on our stories, your stories, and the art world. Please let us know your thoughts, words and art on Facebook and Instagram at Artlantern and at www.artlantern.net or artlantern.net. We are posting video and will post music, keeping up with the latest in the world of creative artmaking.

Send to artlantern.net or artlantern.net what you see, what you like, what you don’t like, and what you think others should see.
Since 1973, Art has gained a conscience. The Art Lantern exposed that conscience.

There is more to come, and the Art Lantern and Artlantern will be there to document it with and for you. In the coming months, as the NAE passes its first half century mark, we will look at how technology has contributed to new directions in art and how we may keep our humanity in arts production while taking advantage of new processes. We will examine how artists and arts institutions are organizing their shows and collections to better appeal and make accessible art to the worldwide public, you.

We welcome you on this virtual journey. We are excited for the next fifty years, and hope you are too.